Case Studies

Winner, 2011
School award for best all-round approach to PFE – primary

st-budeaux-best-approach-to-pfe-primWith a truly cross-curricular approach to PFE St Budeaux Foundation C of E School was praised by the judges for the varied and effective ways that they delivered PFE in the school. In collaboration with their infant feeder school, a differentiated programme of work was developed with accompanying interactive resources. This enabled the pupils to learn a variety of life skills linked to money, ranging from budgeting, the true cost of owning a mobile phone to how Fair Trade works. Within their My Money week (evaluated as their most successful enrichment week ever run), the school worked with a pfeg consultant to investigate what the school’s fundraising for Shelter Box had bought. Students were able to see what their money had bought for families in Haiti which gave them an idea about the true value of money both in the UK and abroad. There was also a visit from a poet who helped the students explore finance creatively through writing.

The school is in an area of deprivation and the local Credit Union was invited to train parents about saving. Also the school bank is open weekly for adults and children including younger siblings who attend the school to help foster a habit of saving.


Winner, 2011
Student award – secondary
best-students-roseberryFour students at Roseberry Sports and Community College have become the ‘Roseberry Money Saving Experts’ and have worked hard and made a huge contribution to raising financial awareness to the whole of Key Stage 3 and 4. They have undertaken assemblies giving advice and tips to others on saving and money management, run Key Stage 3 drop-in sessions and placed posters around the college with weekly financial tips. They have changed the perception of many students of how they can make money with simple ideas.

By dedicating their own time and commitment towards the project they have been an inspiration within the school and have shown that a small number of young people can really make a difference.